“Carry on. We must carry on the work of the Lord. There is so much left to do…”  

Carrying on the ministry to trafficked and exploited women was one of the last things communicated by our beloved Alisa Evans, former Executive Director of Alive at Last, before she passed. She believed that one healthy relationship could change the trajectory for hurting women.

In 2014 Alisa’s deep passion for serving victims of abuse led her to implement the unique Alive at Last model of relational intervention through Christian small groups and one to one mentorship. Alive at Last meets women in crisis, where they are in homeless shelters, safe houses, and drug and rehab facilities offering hope and healing, empowering women to move from victim to victor.

This model has proven to be very effective. Jesus himself believed in the power of relationship.  He believed in investing his life into his disciples.  In doing so, the Christian faith is still advancing today changing lives wherever the message of hope is offered.  In the same way, the Alive at Last model created by Alisa’s pattern of relational ministry through healing small groups and mentorship, will continue to bring healing and hope to the brokenhearted.

Like everything Alisa put her hands to she worked as unto the Lord, throwing all her energies and passions into her work.  She and her team built Alive at Last into a successful city-wide outreach serving hundreds of women annually with visions to scale their unique relational intervention model into a national movement.

Will you help us carry on the vision of Alive at Last? To give a donation that could change a woman’s life, you can go to www.aliveatlast.org/donations or text CARRYON to (833) 574-0434.