In April of 2020 Alive at Last piloted the first online small group using Zoom as our online platform.  All the participants stayed engaged and continued to attend the weekly meetings.  We are very thankful for this technology tool which is helping us maintain the ministry of reaching, renewing and restoring survivors of exploitation.

We are finding new ways of reaching and connecting with survivors in the DFW area during the quarantine. In May two new healing small group will be meeting in two different shelters.  One group will use an online platform to conduct the small group and the other is opening up for visitors following the Covid-19 quarantine.  We are excited to minister to 18 survivors in these two shelters.  Please pray that God continues to give us creative thoughts and ideas for doing ministry in the midst of all the changes in our culture.

A local Dallas safe-house requested an Alive at Last mentor for a 21 year old survivor who recently arrived at their home.  We are currently assessing her needs and plan to match her with a mentor in the next two weeks. There has been a change in momentum as the homes and shelters we serve slowly begin reopening their doors for ministry.

The early church demonstrated the love of Christ in the midst of disease and plagues within the Roman empire.  Through their sacrificial love demonstrated through trials and pestilence the gospel spread far and wide.  May we do the same in our time!

Serving Survivors,