When I signed up to attend the Alive at Last Small Group and be matched with a mentor I was hoping to somehow to discover my God-given purpose.  At 31 years old and at the end of my rope I had lost hope. Depression and anxiety made it hard for me to concentrate. I wasn’t sure I could make it through the small group.  It had been so long since I had been in school. My life was marked by sexual abuse throughout my childhood and exploitation into my adult years. When that type of abuse happens in your childhood, everything feels like it is broken inside.  For me the abuse led to a life of prostitution. I found myself in desperate circumstances, addicted to drugs and living a dangerous lifestyle. Finally, I ended up without a place to live and separated from my two children. I wasn’t sure where to turn.

A month after I came to the homeless shelter Alive at Last had an Inspire Event.  Everything was free. I heard about the faith based inner healing small group and the mentoring program.  I couldn’t wait for it to start. So much has changed in just 3 months. God answered my prayers! First, I got a job making money legally. Then I prayed that my son would be able to come live with me at the shelter. But there were no open spots for children. But my small group leader said to just wait and pray. Well, God did a miracle and my son was able to come stay with me at the shelter. I recently got a new job with better pay. God also provided me with a car. I am so much stronger than I was before. My mentor is wonderful. She tells me my life can get better and better if I stick with God and his plan. I am so thankful for people who have supported me through this process.