Nancy had just arrived at a Dallas safe house when we matched her with an Alive at Last mentor.  The safe house director encouraged Nancy to take a few days to rest and feel grounded before beginning her healing program. That is where Alive at Last came in. Our faith-based program helps survivors heal from the past and discover their own unique design, helping them to chart their future. 

When she was first matched, Nancy was asked what her goals were for the mentorship program. She said, “I want to figure out who I am. I have just listened to what everyone else told me about myself. Now that I’m free, I want to live my life differently.” Nancy also mentioned her desire to know more about God.

Sadly, Nancy returned to her abusive boyfriend in April. So much has changed for all of us over the past few weeks. We are grateful for the opportunity we had to provide a mentor and offer unconditional love to Nancy for a couple months.

Nancy’s mentor will continue seeking to connect with her and serve her. Mentorship can extend beyond the mentee’s time in transitional housing. Will you join us in praying for Nancy’s salvation and safety? Will you give to Alive at Last today and help us continue to reach the most vulnerable in our cities? With your help we can offer the transforming power of God through mentorship.