Cindy’s mentor arranged to meet her for the first time in a quiet out of the way cafe. Her cheerful demeanor was in complete opposition to the horrific story that would follow.

As the two ladies sipped on a hot latte, Cindy recalled the details of her tragic past. She was sexually abused at the age of five. She was raised by a drug addicted mother, and swore she would never follow in her mother’s footsteps.

The sexual abuse inflicted on her at a young age began a cycle of abuse and vulnerability that continued for years. Living with a drug- addicted mother took its toll, Cindy found herself turning to heroin and meth in spite of her personal vows to never do drugs. From age 18-25 she had three children whom she was never able to care for.

Often times a life of drug addiction and prostitution walk hand in hand. Hopelessly drug addicted, and with multiple prostitution charges Cindy was incarcerated. Ironically, her arrest led to her turn-around.

She started the hard work of detoxing, while looking beyond her next fix for the first time in years. Without a faith-based solution, young adults and women like Cindy are doomed to repeat their past. But Alive at Last offers hope and healing through the Life Purpose Mentoring Program.

Cindy, graduated from diversionary court appointed program and is now in a safe place. She is 19 months clean, Cindy’s future looks much brighter than her past.

Will you help us continue serving Cindy and other survivors by giving to our Free to Thrive campaign so we can help them rise from their past and chart a new future?

Thank you so much for partnering with us in helping survivors live free and discover their God-given purpose.