We are thrilled to share the progress one of the survivors in our mentorship program is making.

We will refer to her as Nadia here to protect her identity.

Nadia has been involved with Alive at Last since we launched our online community platform in January 2021.  She acclimated right away to this platform and we took notice.  Turns out she loved it because she didn’t feel safe using any other social platforms out there.  Through our online platform Nadia has found a safe place to connect with our team and community to get the support she desperately needed.

Nadia has been in our mentorship program for over a year now and has made tremendous progress.  We have seen a visible difference in her life as she has learned how to remain anchored in the word of God, prayer and trusting the Lord for all that she needs.

We have seen so many gifts in her that she didn’t even know that she had.  One is the gift of encouragement.  She is always encouraging our team and community through words of encouragement in various forms.  

When she was a young girl she loved to do art and creative endeavors but after years of hardship, trauma, mental and physical health issues she didn’t think she could ever do those things again.

Well, we are happy to say that she is thriving in all those areas once again. Through mentorship, Nadia has gained new digital design and marketing skills that she hopes to eventually use to freelance and supplement her income at first and later build a career upon.

In fact, all the social media graphics for our North Texas Giving Day campaign have been designed by her.  She has also helped us with messaging and scheduling of all our Social Media posts.🙌 (Note: the graphic in the image is one example)

We are so blessed and thrilled to see Nadia grow and thrive!  She is becoming a big asset to our team and community at Alive at Last.

You can help more survivors like Nadia thrive!

Please give today to our Free to Thrive campaign!

Thank you for helping survivors live free and discover their God-given purpose!