Andi attends a Thursday evening Alive at Last small group where she hears about the love of God and sees consistency modeled.

Formerly incarcerated most of her adult life, Andi was familiar with the sound of metal bars closing behind her.

A very painful childhood filled with abuse created a sense of hopelessness that haunted Andi.

Desperate and seeking validation, she was trafficked as a teenager by a man she thought she could trust.

Unable to make sense of her messed up life, she became an addict. Her addiction led to crime and several failed suicide attempts.

Andi was incarcerated at the age of 18. The one good thing that came from her many years of incarceration was meeting Jesus.

Now at the age of 36, she has the chance to start a new life.

She is determined to make the most of her new life outside the prison system. Andi said, “I am very determined to continue living my life God’s way. I just want to be a better me.”

She hopes to gain full custody of her son in the months ahead.

Please pray for our trauma-trained small group leaders who are committed to investing in Andi and other ladies in the shelter helping them learn how to live free for a lifetime.

Won’t you help more women like Andi learn how to live free and discover their God-given purpose by giving to our Free to Thrive campaign?