I first met Tara over two years ago at a homeless shelter. She attended the first two sessions of the small group which seemed to overwhelm her then she quit attending. Several months later I conducted an orientation for a new small group at a different shelter down the street. As I greeted the ladies I recognized Tara. I silently prayed that Tara would stick with the small group this time. Once again she completed the application process but never came to the first class. So when I saw her apply a third time in the fall of 2021, I admit I was skeptical. “There is Tara again. Will it be any different this time?”

Well, this time it was different. Tara faithfully attended the small group study focusing on forgiveness. This time she stuck with it and began to engage in the lessons even through some very difficult circumstances. The group became a support to her while she was going through this hard time.

During the graduation/celebration, Tara testified to the life change she had experienced and how this is the longest season she has ever been sober. She talked about how her mother passed away several weeks into the Forgiving Forward small group but the things she learned during the study kept rolling over in her mind. Things like “You can trust God with your deepest hurts. When things seem impossible for you, pray and see how God steps in on your behalf.” A crisis experience for our survivors will often determine whether they stay with our program or quit. Tara didn’t quit.

As I sat with tears in my eyes listening to Tara’s story, I sensed the Lord speaking to my heart to renew my vision for transformation. To never give up on the invisible work God is doing underneath the surface. I loved hearing Tara and the others share their stories of transformation and change.

Pray for Tara to continue her spiritual an emotional healing journey.

Give to help Tara and others live free and discover their God-given purpose.

Join us by giving to our Free to Thrive campaign so we can continue this life changing work.