Quote taken from Katrina’sapplication

“I have been physically, mentally, and sexually abused since I can remember. I thought being used by my ex and other men, was my lot in life. My ex is now in prison for trying to kill me. I’ve used drugs to numb the chronic emotional pain, depression, and anxiety that I live with every day. Now for the first time, I’m asking for help.”

(*name changed to protect her privacy)

Did you know 1 out of every 4 women have experienced early childhood sexual abuse just like Katrina did? Without healing, such abuse creates a lifetime of vulnerability.

Alive at Last is here to walk alongside Katrina to help her heal from her past and form new ways of thinking about herself and her future. For the first time, she is learning that she truly has value.

What are Katrina’s desires for the future? Katrina shares, “I want to go back to school and work in the medical field. I want a home of my own. I hope to reunite with some of my family.”

Katrina is enrolled in an Alive at Last healing small group at the shelter where she lives. Beyond that, we offer an Alive at Last mentor, and ongoing support and resources for as long as Katrina needs.

Alive at Last empowers trafficked and exploited women like Katrina to live free for a lifetime.


Did you know?


Alive at Last by the numbers:  707 Survivors have been served by Alive at Last 95% of the women we serve have experienced early childhood sexual trauma 33% are single moms and have custody of at least one child while they are in our program 50% have been incarcerated 88% do not return to a life of sexual exploitation  100% hear the message of hope and healing offered through JESUS!


Please pray for Katrina to continue to do the hard work of healing from her past.

Everyone can give something. Please pray about what God would have you give.

A recurring monthly gift will help us continue our reach to over 100 survivors this year. We are looking for 100 new monthly partners in 2024. Will you say Yes?

Yes, I will give a $25, $50 or $100 recurring monthly gift.

Yes, I will give a $166 gift to support one survivor for a month.

Yes, I will give a $2000 gift to support one survivor for a full year.

Thank you for saying YES! Thank you for taking action on behalf of trafficked and exploited women giving them the message of hope and healing.


Help Shine the Light on Human Trafficking Awareness Month and become a monthly donor today!

Thank you so much for partnering with us in helping survivors live free and discover their God-given purpose.